WWTK Wednesday

Hosted by Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso!

This week's questions come from Queso:
{1} If you had an extra hour to do ANYTHING for yourself each day what would you do?
{2} Are you a morning person or a night owl?
{3} How much sleep do you get on an average night?
{4} When do you find the time to blog/surf the ol' interweb?
{5} What is the ONE thing you're never too busy for?

{1} If you had an extra hour to do ANYTHING for yourself each day what would you do?
Exercise. Or unpack a few boxes in my studio. It's hard to do anything these days with a baby plugged in almost constantly.

{2} Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Oh, I used to be such a night owl. But these days, I have to get up before dawn to plug in the baby, so I've gradually become a morning person. I hate it (the morning part, not the reason behind it). Morning is just so unnatural and weird after 35 years of being a night owl.

{3} How much sleep do you get on an average night?
Ian sleeps a good long stretch at night, so if he's in a good mood, we'll get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. If he's fussy or just really hungry, maybe 4 if we're lucky.

{4} When do you find the time to blog/surf the ol' interweb?
In the mornings while nursing. I stack pillows up in my lap to cuddle the little one and I can type like a T-Rex, with just my hands sticking out to the keyboard. But I do most of my blog reading through my iPod's RSS reader, so I can't comment very often and I feel bad about that. :( I'm still reading, I just have a hard time leaving comments.

{5} What is the ONE thing you're never too busy for?
Going to the bathroom. I'm too busy to eat many days, but the one exception I'll make is putting Ian in his crib while I go pee. I feel bad when he cries the entire time (a whole minute or two), but hey, it's that or we'd have had to replace the couch long before now.

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  1. You are excellent at multi-tasking!

    I don't think any of us are getting more than 6 hours of sleep!

  2. I'm not a new mom (or even a mom at all), but I swiped these questions to answer elsewhere. :)
