WWTK Wednesday - (early) Holiday edition

Today's blog entry is brought to you with a baby on my shoulder -- meaning I typed it allll up with JUST ONE HAND. That's how much I like WWTKW!

Join up with Mamarazzi and Queso to avoid housework (but don't put your baby down). This week's questions are by Queso, and she's got the right idea about getting to holiday stuff now. Maybe I should follow suit and start shopping around a bit. :)


1. What is your favorite holiday?
2. Do you have any fun holiday traditions? What are they?
3. When do you start Christmas shopping?
4. What is your favorite holiday food?
5. Share a favorite childhood holiday memory
6. Have you ever actually tried fruitcake??

1. What is your favorite holiday?
A toss up between Halloween and Christmas. I love both so much, for the same reasons -- decorations! But Halloween is all ooky-spooky, and Christmas is all ethereal and beautiful. Such different holidays, but both so much fun.

2. Do you have any fun holiday traditions? What are they?
Not really. Does hiding in my house on Black Friday count? And out of respect for all retail workers the world over, I refuse to shop on Christmas Eve unless it's for something important like medicine that's needed NOW (not the day after Christmas).

3. When do you start Christmas shopping?
This sounds bad, but usually around Dec. 10. unless there's a damn good deal on Black Friday. I tend to avoid shopping during regular business hours, too. This year may involve everything being purchased online just so I don't have to leave the house with a squirmy baby.

4. What is your favorite holiday food?
The Red Velvet Bingle. It's basically a red velvet twinkie with cream cheese filling. It's worth the effort to find even one package. They're usually only available in this area during Valentine's Day, but I've seen them packaged in twin packs under the Mrs. Freshley's label in gas stations in the western part of the state.

5. Share a favorite childhood holiday memory
The Christmas I got my guinea pig when I was eight. I came downstairs and opened all my presents, then my mom presented me with one more -- Miss Piggy, a squealing, long-haired guinea pig that ended up living for almost 9 years.

6. Have you ever actually tried fruitcake??
Yes, I'll try just about any food. I've made fruitcake, and if you get a good recipe, it's actually VERY good. But those store-bought bricks are pretty nasty.

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  1. I have discovered the fun of Black Friday shopping--but I don't do the crazy 3:00am shopping. 6:00am is the earliest I'll go. I go with a cousin and we have a great time shopping for the guys and the kids.

  2. I don't go out on Black Friday either!

  3. wow you're guinea pig lived a long time! we just got one a few months ago and he's adorable :) i love halloween too! pretty much from september to january, my house is decorated from top to bottom!

    ps- I'm givin' love for mamarazzi today too, she's out of town but says hi to everyone! :)

  4. If you think shopping on Black Friday is bad you should try working it- Dev (my 18yo) works at T.J. Maxx and has put in 2 years and boy does she have the war stories.

    You haven't sold me on fruitcake but I admit it's a good try.

  5. I like these questions! I didn't get a chance to do them this week though. Hmmm maybe I'll do a 2-fer this coming Wednesday.

    I'm a late shopper too. I can never managed to actually put stuff away. I wish I was better at that, it would definitely make that time of year easier. The last couple years I've done a little online shopping. I also can get away with basic Target & WalMart shopping for basic toys since my girls are still young. Wonder how long that will last???

    That Red Velvet thing sounds soooo good! I am actaully drooling a little right now LOL.

    LOVE the story of the guinea pig, what a fun suprise!!!
