My Happy List for Today

Join Mamarazzi and add your Happy List! Such a wonderful way to count your blessings for the week.


Internet at the house
FINALLY. I can keep up with all my imaginary internet friends (all those people who I follow online but haven't been lucky enough to meet in person due to distance/time/money/etc.). I can also look up info on baby care and connect with other new moms on Babycenter since I don't have many real life friends in the area that I see regularly who have kids.

My little Timelord makes me extremely happy. Some days he's the only thing that makes me happy. Even when he's fussing and crying, the moment he settles down and looks at me with a contented little sigh after I've comforted him -- THAT moment makes me happy.

New Doctor Who
New episode tonight after a month-and-a-half long hiatus. I'm just starting to warm up to the new series after hating it last season. I gave my heart to Ten, and then they killed him off and brought on some new guy who, let's face it, is a bit too young and angry to be MY Doctor. I grew up on Four (Tom Baker) and Five (Peter Davison), so Nine and Ten are more my style Doctors. The only reason I've really started liking the new series is because of River Song, and Rory being killed off seemingly every episode, but they always find a way to rewind and reset everything back to normal. I've even started saying "Oh my god, they killed Rory! You bastards!" when that happens.

I'm getting back into her little routine. Such easy baby steps to gaining control over your household's CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). It makes me happy to have a clean sink every night before I go to bed for some reason.

Being part of the ZIA Matchbook swap
They're small and quick and easy to decorate now that I got the little pages in the mail. I just have to get more inspired and work on them when (if) Ian sleeps during the day.

Being part of Mamarazzi's Favorite Colors swap
I really can't wait to start shopping for my partner, I'm so excited! And I can't wait to see what goodies I'll get in return. I love fun swag boxes with little constraints -- there's no telling what I'll find to send or what I'll get, and that's the biggest fun of all.

Stouffer's casseroles
Oh, my god, these are the best things in my freezer! I used to not like frozen foods because they never quite tasted right. They never tasted "real" to me. But Stouffer's has vastly improved their quality and selection. My favorites are the Grandma's Chicken and Rice Bake and the Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas. Mmmmm... enchiladas.

Finding books and sketchbooks as I (slowly) unpack
It's like Christmas every day here lately. I just wish I had more room to put things!

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  1. i use to use flylady, it is totally part of my daily routine now. finally cancelled the emails tho...WAY too many!

    gonna have to try those casseroles, every now and then i just don't feel like cooking.

    happy to have you join the swap. i am hoping to get everyone matched up this weekend.

  2. Great happy list. I am going to have to check out those enchiladas.

  3. I used to fly. Then I stopped. I kind do my own thing with a little bit of Flylady mixed in there. Having a clean house always makes me happy!

    I love it when babies just settle down when the see you. It makes having kids so worth it!
